Aug 152013

Once the wind and waves had begun to subside we had to depart idyllic Woods Island Harbour for Corner Brook. A yacht from  BOIYC, Whisper, with Byron and family aboard, caught us as we powered out of the narrow entrance, and set the stay sail for the 12 mile run down to Pleasant Cove, the Bay of Islands Yacht Club main station. We had our Yanmar 3JH2E revved up to 3000 RPM, the max. Sailing under only jib and stay sail down Humber Arm we saw speeds of 7.5 and even 8 knots, a new record for Phanty.

Woods Island Departure 1

Woods Island Departure 1

Woods Island Departure 2

Woods Island Departure 2



Woods Island Departure 3

Woods Island Departure 3

Woods Island Departure 4

Woods Island Departure 4


Woods Island Departure 5

Woods Island Departure 5

Woods Island Departure 6

Woods Island Departure 6

Thanks Whisper for the great pics !

  3 Responses to “Woods Island Harbour – Departure”

  1. Wow those ARE great photos from Whisper! zoom zoom Phanty might need some racing stripes!

  2. what a beautiful place and what a beautiful boat! great pictures from ‘whisper’ of you mastering the waves :-).

  3. It appears all is well with M and J. What a wonderful time you must be having. Full marks.Say hi to Nfld. for me. One of my favorite places to visit. Hugs, M XX00

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