Jul 032013
First night out from Picton

First night out from Picton

Only got as far as Kerr Bay last night and Collins Bay today where we are going to purchase from Marine Outfitters, and install, 4 brand new Trojan T145 6 volt deep cycle batteries. Sadly our now 13 year old Surettes with 38000 hours on them are giving us trouble – they seem to drain very quickly and over the weekend over charged and boiled dry – the battery temperature hitting 107 F ! From what I’ve been able to gather this may be a symptom of a bad cell or cells. Couldn’t have picked a better place to do the replacement, Dave Wilby from Marine Outfitters is going to deliver the new Trojans right to the dock here in Collins Bay.


  2 Responses to “We’ve finally departed for Newfoundland”

  1. I’m looking forward to following your sailing journey down east toward the Big Rock. Have fun!

  2. That seems to be a big part of cruising – the great people you meet and the help they give you along the way!

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