Feb 272014

We were invited by Jim Taylor of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club to give a presentation of “Newfoundland Circle – Part 1” at a weekly meeting of their “Shellback Club”

We enjoyed their hospitality, a good hot lunch and made some new friends. I had an interesting conversation with a member who has sailed from Newfoundland to Cork, Ireland. A trip we have rolling around in the backs of our minds …

We did have to join in singing a sea shanty to earn our lunch and become Shellback members.

Interesting to note the club has been meeting weekly, each winter since 1934, from October to mid-April for lunch and to listen to maritime speakers.

Meetings are held Wednesday, 12:15PM sharp at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club – 141 St. George Street – N of the Bloor Subway Station (416-967-7245). Lunch is about $15, extra for wine or beer.

Skipper: Jim Taylor
Mate: Marjorie Patterson
Purser: Alf Jenkins
New Shellbacks - Mike & Jayne

  One Response to “We’re Shellbacks”

  1. your presentation and dvd on the great sailing you did this summer – down the st. lawrence and along quebec’s south and north shore (in uncharted territory at times) and over to nfld. was excellent at the van. boat show in feb. i wish i’d been at the royal can. yacht club to hear you both there too :-).
    great pictures of the 2 of you at the shellback club.

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