Jul 242014

Bog OrchidGreen hat has not been seen again but a replacement has been found.
From our anchorage at Neddy Harbour we took the dingy ashore and tied beside a local boat owned by Reg, with his pal Morris and son Owen. We got some fresh cod from the guys as it is open season. There is no commercial fishery but individuals can take 5 fish or 15 per boat. Everyone is out on the water.
We met Renne and Gail while hiking and will have people to visit when we are in St. John’s next summer.
Also stopped into the studio of artist Christine Koch, who summers in Woody Point but has her main studio in St. John’s,


But amazingly she remembered meeting me when I visited St. John’s about 20 years ago! We had a great visit.
Still getting my painting legs but here’s a sample.
Gros Morne.



Hi all, boat is running like a clock, we had a great sail up from Bonne Bay, the north flowing inshore current gave us an extra knot and we arrived by 1300.  We’re  just at Shallow Bay Motel for dinner and checking email, updating the site and downloading the paper on their wifi. Tomorrow’s forecast is for light southwest winds and we’ll move onto Port Saunders. imageWe have the AIS and new radio working, a bit of reading up to do on both, the sound from the Icom is superb, still need to install the cockpit remote.

best, m

Bog OrchidBog Orchid

Bog Orchid

  7 Responses to “We’re now in Cow Head”

  1. Hellooooo ….good to hear you’ve arrived in Cow Head; curious to know what the story is behind that name. Outcropping that looks like a cow’s head? Have you seen icebergs en route? What colour is the new hat? xoxo D&M

  2. Looks like you’ve got your painting legs just fine!

  3. Hey, enjoying your blog and pictures – especially of Labrador. So nice to see you guys 3X in the Park. Hope the rest of your sailing was fantastic!

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