The North Coast of Quebec is a beautiful rugged place, rocky, lonely and wind swept. In Natashquan Harbour we hunted out a spot to anchor in behind some small bare islands, out of the wind and waves. It turned out to be the perfect spot to shelter from southerly winds. As the sun set we enjoyed views of the stark, low, red granite hills, stunted trees and fishing boats lined up at the dock across the bay.
We wanted to go ashore and explore the town, there is an interesting cultural centre that re-creates a supply store of yesteryear. The mouth of the Natashquan River is near by and leading to it are mile after mile of sand and pounding surf. With a favorable forecast of light south east to south winds for the next 24 – 48 hours, we thought it wise to depart immediately, on the 175 sail across the Esquiman Channel to Newfoundland. The weather here can turn into a bear, as we would find out.
With the wind blowing a perfect close reach and “pulpo” our autopilot happily steering through the long, cloudy day and into the long moonless night we had time to relax. We took turns sleeping and reading inside the boat, when not keeping watch. Did not see another craft once away from the Jacques Cartier shipping lanes. From far out at sea you get glimpses of the towering mountains that line Newfoundland’s west coast, and then suddenly we were there, the entrance to Bay of Islands.
Once inside the bay it’s just a few miles to Woods Island Harbour, reported to be one Newfoundland’s best anchorages. We moored Phantasia and collapsed into much needed sleep and rest for 24 hours, then moved onto the nearby Bay Of Islands Yacht Club, out station dock, to explore the island. The light SE – South winds we crossed in were replaced by first strong SE then very strong SW winds of 45 knots, that kept us happily sheltered in the harbour for 2 days. We are now at the Bay of Islands Yacht Club 3 miles from downtown Corner Brook and contemplating a trip out to Goose Arm, in the Bay of Islands for a few days.
The waves built and built until it became impossible to make the narrow exit from Woods Island safely
Looking down Humber Arm towards Corner Brook with “Blow Me Down” in the background
A 2 minute look at the crossing and entrance to the Bay of Islands, complete with whales !
what a wonderful video of your sail across the miles from quebec to nfld!! it’s great to see the whales :-). i’m glad you waited until you got good weather to go. nfld. is certainly different from quebec! i love the picture of you and jayne sailing and of jayne painting ‘”blow me down” mountain – plus the one of the waves building at woods harbor and the little houses on woods island. congratuations!!
Good morning – You’ll be off to Nanaimo soon I bet, we are spending another day here in Corner Brook – tell dad there is an Oyster 48 here from Newport, we got a tour yesterday. Have a good trip to Denman!
Hi Jayne and Mike
Great shots of the west coast, reminds me a lot of the west coast of Scotland.
Your timing was perfect for the trip across, nothing like being tucked up in harbour while it blows stink out side the walls!
Have to tell you that I saw two Gannets when I was out on the boat on Friday. This is the first time I had seen Gannets in twenty odd years of sailing on beautiful St Margaret’s Bay. Hope we will see more of these fantastic birds again.
Fair winds and safe journey
Love to you both……John Brenda and Her Maj.
Hi John
We heard something similar about gannets spreading their range in Havre St. Pierre on the north shore; they started showing up about 3 years ago. It’s been a really wonderful trip. I’ve been doing lots of painting…keeping them up-to-date in the watercolours section here, Brenda might like to see.
love to you both and a scratch behind the ears for Her Maj.
Good Morning to you both again!
I did not expect such a quick reply.
I do have a question though….Why am I finding some things under Mikes name and others under Gone Sailing?
Fantastic shots of Phanty leaving Woods Island!!!!
Today we have twenty degrees, blue sky and a north west wind……perfect!
Cheers John
we were out of wireless range for awhile so now spending time catching up while we’re at the dock…we must have been online at the same time. mmmm not sure what the answer to your ? is. Maybe Mike can answer. J
Ahoy sailors! Thanks for sharing the pics and video ….looks like you are having a whale of a time! Ooops a pun 🙂 How long are you staying in Cornerbrook? Is this where Phanty will stay?
We biked the dyke on the weekend, picked blackberries & made jam yesterday. Xoxo