Jan 202021

Mike & Jayne – Culotte Cove, NL August 2019
Come sailing with Mike & Jayne as they close their circumnavigation of Newfoundland.
Departing from Gaspe, Quebec it’s 250 miles overnight to Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland. From Port Aux Basques we sail east to many of the south coasts famous harbours: Isle A Morts, Garia Bay, Rose Blanche, Grand Bruit, Cinq Cerf, Burgeo, Grey River, Francois and Hare Bay. From there we cross to St Pierre, France to enjoy French food, wine and culture before heading back to NL. We tie up with the fishing fleet in St Brides Harbour to investigate rugged Cape St Mary and the sea bird colony there.
Rounding Cape Race in dense fog we hurry up to St John’s just ahead of hurricane Dorian. Sailing north from Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club we’ll visit Bonavista, Seldom, Change & Exploits Islands before bringing the boat into Lewisporte Marina to haulout for the winter.
Sign up on the shows web site to attend, hope to “see” you there.
Jayne is also presenting “Sew What” sewing for boats, see the site for times.
Sorry we don’t have time during the 50 minutes allotted for our show to cover the entire route from Lake Ontario to Lewisporte, Newfoundland.
hihi 🙂
i’m signed up for jayne’s seminar on fri and to see the two of you on sat morning :-). it will be interesting to see the boat sewing presentation, jayne – you’re amazing to do what you do. and i’m really looking forward to seeing both of you present on sailing newfoundland’s south coast. you always do such great presentations and it was such an amazing trip!
mom and dad would be so proud, as they always were. i’m glad there’ll be some slides from past trips included on line too :-).