Feb 152012

We were very happy to be invited back to the Toronto boat show for our third year presenting Down East Circle. The show was fun and seemed very well attended, and with more people than ever giving seminars, Salon 107 was added as a second venue. We gave our first show there on Saturday January 14th. It’s a nice comfortable room, with good sound and seating, although visitors initially had some problems finding us, our show pulled in a good crowd, particularly since it was only 11:00 am.

John and Amanda Neil were the shows presentation headliners, covering such diverse topics as offshore storm tactics, cooking aboard and diesel mechanics. It was nice to catch up with them, we met 12 years ago in Annapolis at a 2 day cruising seminar they were giving, when Jayne and I were still trying to decide which boat to purchase. Hugh and Heather Bacon were also speaking again this year at the show and we hope to meet up with them later this winter.

DVD Down East Circle Part 6We were very busy prior to the show, over the holiday/new year getting the new DVD, Down East Circle – Part 6 ready. Jayne working on the copy and cover design while I completed editing the video we shot last summer and added commentary, music and titles using Adobe Production Premium CS5.5. This, the latest CS Production version from Adobe is a very powerful suite that includes some great new features like an easy to use image stabilizer plugin to Adobe After Effects.

Over the coming months we plan to update Down East Circle and re-package the DVDs into 2 sets. Set 1 will include Parts 1, 4 & 6 and set 2 will include Parts 2, 3 & 5.

[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsIoZQfpWe0&feature=share&list=PL96314621344448FF” width=”100%” rel=”0″]

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