Jan 262014

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Mike and I had three dates at the Toronto Boat Show this year with a slide and video overview of our 2013 voyage out the St. Lawrence to Newfoundland. Hard to believe that this was our 6th year doing this. It is always terrific to meet fellow sailors, share stories and this year spend some time with Lin and Larry Pardey. We attended a couple of their presentations as well as Herb McCormick’s “Around the Americas” and Pamela Bendall’s “What Was I Thinking? Offshore Sailing As A Single Woman”. Always great fun to meet up with sailing inspirations like Paul and Sheryl Shard and John and Amanda Neal.

Lin and Larry shared stories of their 40 years voyaging together; almost 3 circumnavigations including rounding Cape Horn. They are now residents of Bay of Islands, New Zealand.


The weather in Toronto had broken in time for the show so it felt like spring might actually happen although still lots of snow and ice on the ground.



If you weren’t able to attend our seminar, or want the full video version, our new 90 minute dvd is now available through us or through Nautical Mind.




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