With Phanty bumping gently (red & yellow circle) against the enormous truck tires that line the wharf in St. John’s inner harbour, we set out to explore this unique city. Having sailed in under Cabot Tower we felt we had to hike out and inspect it – from the tower there promised to be a fantastic vue of the city and harbour too. The walk along St John’s waterfront is a delight – the friendly tour boat operator down the dock from us advised us where to eat and hear some music, visiting sailboats from Gaspe and Norway, the lumbering oil rig vessels in for maintenance and taking on stores. We always find working habours like St. John’s the most interesting, their immediate connection to the lives and lively hoods of those they serve, provide so much that yacht harbours just can’t. Someone had told us that the walk to Cabot Tower could be done in 45 minutes, they must have long legs and not make any stops. We took the better part of the day, but did not hurry, taking time to inspect the St. Michael’s print gallery and studio – Queens Wharf, park and the adjacent memorial garden, then along Water Street to Battery Road. Once we passed through the quaint houses of the Battery the real fun begins, the trail hugs the cliffs we had sailed past the day before, then climbs up and up towards Signal Hill. Jayne stopped to paint, pondering the view towards Quidi Vidi to the north while a waited patiently – enjoying the view and sunshine.
We spent several days just wandering St. John’s – provisioning – chatting with friendly locals, enjoying the uniqueness of Newfoundland’s capital. Gale and Renee, friends we had made last year hiking in Gros Morne stopped by and took us on a quick tour to Cape Spear and Petty Harbour. I spent a morning wandering by myself, enjoying photographing the wonderfully painted houses. Jayne caught up with her artist friend Christine Koch, who was hanging a show at “The Rooms” gallery. After 4 wonderful days in the city, SW winds were forecast, we new it was time to sail back up and around Cape St. Francis. Phanty’s winter home this year would be in Conception Bay’s Long Pond, at Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club.
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