Aug 062014

The fair winds and strong current that swept us north to Battle Harbour turned against us as we headed south, across the Straight of Belle Isle and back to Newfoundland and it’s Great Northern Penninsula. There is a convenient and secure anchorage at Noddy Bay where we left Phanty and walked 4 kilometres over to the L’Anse aux Meadows Viking site. An interesting tour by Parks Canada’s guide after which Jayne stopped to paint while I rested up for the long walk back to the boat. Many people were in the meadows picking Bake Apples or Cloudberries and fortunatly a small market on the road provided us with potato chips. Back on the ship I spun a “Roberta’s” Brooklyn pizza which we devoured to the last crust. The sail down the East coast from Noddy Bay was dramatic – winds to 20 knots on the bow and some nice graceful rollers coming in from the big blue Atlantic. At Cape St Anthony we were greated by an iceberg and actually cleared the point without tacking tacking, again. We sailed 35 miles to get less than 20 as the crow fly’s.

Just updating the site, reading email and downloading the paper from St Anthony public library, after lunch at “Jungle Jim’s and food shopping this morning. We’ll try and walk up to the old radar site where Dad worked in the 50’s tomorrow. It’s fun telling people that “my sister was born here” and then discussing the old radar site etc.

That’s Phanty at the St Anthony Public Dock with the ex fishing boat “Baffin Sound” behind.

Straight of Belle – L’Anse aux Meadows – St Anthony

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