Just to prove that we don’t just spend the winter sitting around inside waiting for the ice to melt, a few pictures from our long weekend cross country skiing at Silent Lake. It’s been a fine winter for it, several feet of light snow and cold, -10 to -15C, but not too cold temperatures for skiing. We covered about 25-30 kilometers over a few days skiing.
With a hamper of food for breakfast and lunches we stayed 2 nights at Somerset Lodge just 5 Km up Hw 28 from Silent Lake. Relaxing evening meals by the fire at Mirrors Restaurant, 1/2 K down the lake from the lodge. We could see the last rays of the setting sun across Lake Paudash. At about 8 pm a huge white moon rose through the bare trees. All together it made for the perfect mid winter vacation.
It’s a beautiful drive north into the Kawartha Lakes region, from our place in Cobourg, on Lake Ontario and takes about 2 hours. North on Hw 45 to Hastings/Norwood, then at Havelock on Hw 7, North on 46 and East on 504 to Apsley, then 28 to the lake.
As you can see, we have a while to wait until we can start thinking about sailing !