Jul 172013
The 70 plus mile trip down the river from Sorel to Quebec went smoothly – although by late in the day we weren’t sure we would make it into Bassin Louise before the 18 foot tide began to flood. We just slipped into the city in the late afternoon, through the lock that guards Basin Louise and got docked. Enjoyed a latish supper at the Marina’s “Riviera” patio, with the view of old Quebec beyond. Starting at 10 PM there is a fantastic Norman McLaren light and sound show projected on the grain elevators adjacent to the marina, a magical end to this very long day. Tomorrow the Vieux Port Farmers market and walking the winding streets, enjoying the fantastic old world architecture of Vieux Quebec.
beautiful pictures of quebec city waterfront and the buildings there :-). supper on the patio with the view of the city and the sound and light show on the grain elevators by the marina sounds wonderful.
Quebec City is beautiful winter and summer and the view from the marina is fabulous …looking a tad like Victoria. Very cool to project onto the grain elevators! Apparently they are projecting a slide show on the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa too. Did you see the show they did on Buckingham Palace last year during the Queens coronation concert? ….very creative! Have fun. xoxo