Oct 052015


After waiting until 9 am for the St. John’s Harbour master to come unlock our power pedestal, we had planned an early 7 am departure but forgot to tell them, the days sail would take us up the east coast, around Cape St. Francis and into Conception Bay. A fine blustery, sunny day with the SW wind fair until the turn into Conception, making the last 20 miles into the bay a beat, into the by then, setting sun. It’s not fair, by the last days of the trip – we’d been on the water for 3 weeks solid by then – we’ve tuned into the boat, wind and waves, a beat of 20 miles poses no problems.
Too bad we didn’t have time to explore Conception. We’ve made several new sailing friends in Holyrood at the head of the bay, we’d like to visit, and there are numerous ports on the western shore to explore, Carbonear, Harbour Grace, Bay Roberts, all will have to wait until next year.
We had arranged with Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club for haul out and storage this season. They have an excellent facility in Conception Bay’s Long Pond, complete with bar and restaurant. We arrived during their annual Race Week and the club was buzzing with activity. Our neighbors at the dock, Eddy and Sara, took time to greet and make us most welcome even though they were busy competing.
The haulout crew take a couple of days locating jack stands and we scheduled a morning de-masting and travel-lift out, boats must be stored in the RNYC yard without masts. It all goes without a hitch, their crew are experts, and the addition of a electric/hydraulic mast crane at the dock makes for an easy mast lift. Having the mast off will allow us to do some rigging inspections and perhaps replacements in the spring – new uppers, back & forestay as well as lowers are recommended after many years of coastal sailing in salt & fresh water.
The area around the club is idyllic for walking and nearby shops provide most of the bits and pieces needed for winterizing as well as food.
Jayne has expertly constructed a vestigial cover for Phanty that we put over the dodger frame, once the canvas is removed, and pull tight to the sides and stern, lacing it with many small lines. It looks great, and will help keep the rain and snow off the companion way and cockpit.
We booked a spot on the afternoon sailing from Argentia to North Sydney, its about a 14 hour sail, for the following day and drove a couple of hours down to the ferry dock. Unfortunately we left it too late to get a stateroom and wound up snoozing in the “Casino” on the way across – oh well next time we’ll know.
The Atlantic Vision is a marvelous ship, fast, quiet and comfortable – it was a windy, foggy night to cross and as I stood on deck in the wee hours of the morning looking at the white caps, I could not help but be happy Jayne and I were not out in Phanty. As the crow flys its about 270 nautical miles to Sydney, the ferry punched into the head wind and seas with little effort, what in Phanty it could take us several days of hard sailing, perhaps one day we’ll give it a try.

We’ll be at the Toronto and Vancouver Boat Shows in January 2016 to talk about this years trip – hope to see you there – show times and details will be on our site and facebook page soon.

Mike 5-Oct-2015

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