Jul 172014

10 and a half busy months have passed since we sailed down the St. Lawrence and crossed the gulf to Newfoundland. We flew into Deer Lake from Ontario on the 13th and took a cab the 55 km into Corner Brook.


We’ve booked a room at the Garden Hill Inn – under the excellent management of Bill and Carrie Dennis. From the inn it’s just 8 km to Allen’s Cove where Phantasia our Niagara 35 is stored.
Corner Brook on beautiful Humber Arm is a fun and friendly place with excellent services, we’ve rented a wee Toyota to run around in. The tasks to put Phanty together again are many:
Cleaning !!!
Laundry !!!
De-moulding boats woodwork !!!
Install new galley taps
Install garbord drain
Repack the stuffing box
Install our repaired Renai water heater
Sorry Phanty, no time to wax the topsides this year, I think its the first time in 14 years we have not.
We did have time to enjoy an Iceberg beer, or two, made with 25,000 year old water, as Jayne points out, along with some excellent “Newfound Sushie”


  One Response to “It’s good to be back”

  1. Exciting! The journey begins.
    The Iceberg bottles are very pretty, too 🙂

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