Oct 072014

Finally getting around to going through all the video footage we shot during the summer on our Lumix GH3 and TS5 cameras, looks like we have some good stuff, the new 12-35 lens on the GH3 is very sharp and has super image stabilization and so hopefully will make for a less bumpy ride. It’s always a challenge trying to get the camera out at the right time without to much motion and dropping it over the side. The small waterproof TS5 comes very handy. The clip is just a minute long, that’s capelin they are unloading, the row is primarily exported to Japan. Its also the favorite food of Puffins.

There is an interesting post about the fishery at, http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/publications/article/2012/06-08-12-eng.html.

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