Jul 212014
Arrived at Eastern Head, Bonne Bay, in 50 knot katabatic winds yesterday, that stripped “green hat” from Jayne’s head, alas hat is lost but we’ve arrived safely. Fantastic sail down from Bay of Islands, 20-25 knots winds behind and dolphins racing under and around Phantasia. We’re anchored in Neddy Harbour (behind Mike’s left shoulder), at the moment on the wifi at Norris Point, after a day hiking to the “Lookout”, see the picture, if it comes through. Next stop is Cow Head, we hear they have a great theatre and resturant, as well as as good harbour there. Then Port Saunders, St. Barbe and across to the Labrador side and Red Bay. Will post from the next wifi, best to all.
Awww poor green hat 🙁 I had to google katabatic wind …interesting. That is quite the hike up to the look out from Neddy Harbour. Could you see more boats from up there? Wishing you fair sailing tomorrow xoxo D&M
So jealous! Have a great time.
Thanks, we are