We regularly cross paths with John Neal and Amanda Swan Neal at the Toronto Boat Show, and Strictly Sail, Chicago, in 2014. Amanda asked me if I would contribute to her Galley Essentials page in 48º North Magazine published in Seattle.
It is always inspiring to meet up with them and hear about their latest expeditions. Currently they are enroute to Sweden for a refit of their Hallberg Rassy 46. All their 2015 expedition berths are filled and 2016 is starting to booked already.
Before we bought Phantasia II my Christmas gift to Mike was a weekend seminar with them in Annapolis in 2000. We highly recommend their seminars; they are the most experienced sailors and excellent teachers. Amanda and John spend seven months at sea annually. When not at sea, they enjoy winter kayaking from their island home near Victoria.
I was delighted to participate in the Amanda’s “women and cruising” segment at the Chicago boat show in 2014.
it’s great you’re contributing to recipes to a magazine you’re an excellent cook so i’m sure what you put in will be perfect for sailors.