We’ll be presenting Newfoundland Circle – Part 4, at the 2017 Toronto Boat Show, http://www.torontoboatshow.com/ on these dates & locations.
Friday January 27th at 1600-1700 hrs – Presentation Theater
Saturday January 28th at 1300-1400 hrs – Presentation Theater
Sunday January 29th at 1130-1230 hrs – Salon 107
The tag line for this years show is below – hope to see you there and please browse the image gallery to preview what will be covered in the presentation,
Mike & Jayne
Jayne & Mike will provide valuable (and fun) information for anyone thinking of sailing down east. Departing from Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club they’ll take you across the great Bays of Conception, Trinity, Bonaventure and Notre Dame, on Newfoundland’s rugged east coast. Along the way they’ll tie up in fishing harbours, anchor in tiny coves, be visited by dozens of whales and go hiking in Terra Nova National Park. Jayne always has a special “In The Galley” feature to add!
Click on the first image and then use your left or right arrow keys to quickly scroll through LARGE images – or click the Slideshow link to watch as a slide show
Note images are in reverse order – Lewisporte Marina to RNYC.