Jul 182012

Before …
Spring refit season is upon us, all those tasks that were to get doneĀ over the winter now must! Phantasia our Niagara 35 is back in Lake Ontario after 6 seasons of sailing through Quebec, The Maritime Provinces, New England and New York. After so many seasons away the “to do” list of repair, replace and refinish tasks is substantial.

Starting with a complete rebuild of our 3 blade Max Prop, new cutlass bearing, new strut backing plate, new transmission damper plate and new PSS dripless seal, we then removed and cleaned the fuel tank and replaced the old Racor 2000 filter system with a new Model 500 unit.

Jayne stripped layers & layers of old varnish off the interior cabin floor and began re-applying 5 coats of Epifanes varnish, this may take all summer to complete. We removed and re-finished all 4 grab rails over the winter and re-installed them. Also did the port jib track, potting the balsa deck core with epoxy and removed and replaced the mast collar, hoping this will fix some annoying drips.

Jayne under took a complete tear down and rebuild of Phanty’s Wilcox Crittenden “Imperial 51” head and we removed the 17 year old holding tank replacing it with a new SeaLand Unit that has dual pump out pickups.

Miscellaneous tasks include moving the steaming light above the stay sail furler, we’re hopeful this will stop it from shining on the deck and wiring in a mast mounted fog horn/PA speaker.

Launching the boat at our new home in Picton at PECC on May 13th, (my mom came with us, what a way to celebrate Mother’s Day!) went well and after the launch we had time to bird watch at Prince Edward Point, note the Blue-Gray Gnat Catchers nest building!

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