Jun 172019

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‘Mysti-Cal’ is FOR SALE!

NEW 2021 Price $85,000 Canadian!

1974 Cal-Jensen Sailing Sloop that has been lovingly and meticulously restored & upgraded.

Ready for some lucky sailors to explore the world!

This coveted Lapworth design is a sturdy ocean going vessel with spacious live-aboard characteristics including a raised salon allowing magnificent views from her generous galley.
Two berths, two heads, a table that converts to a double bed & plenty of deck room makes for great ‘family & friends’ sailing experiences!
Enclosed cockpit for comfortable sailing in any weather, Walis furnace for cooler climes & a ‘walk-in’ engine room makes Mysti-Cal the envy of cramped quartered sailors everywhere!

Why are we selling this beauty?

The captain has sailed on to the stars and the first mate hasn’t the heart to sail without him.

Contact Krow Fischer 705 875-8858 krowish@gmail.com

Click this link to download and view/print the complete listing

Myst-Cal Pictures

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